Very rare and with an interesting agonistic reverse
Los 1695
CARIA. Aphrodisias. Salonina, Augusta, 254-268. Diassarion (Bronze, 25 mm, 6.52 g, 7 h). ΚΟΡΝ ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. ΑΦΡΟΔЄΙϹΙЄΩΝ Three nude athletes, standing and drawing lots from an amphora set on ground. MacDonald 237. RPC X online 60144. Very rare and with an interesting agonistic reverse. Some deposits and with a spot of corrosion on the obverse, otherwise, very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The reverse of this coin depicts three athletes drawing lots from an amphora, symbolizing the meticulous organization and fairness of such competitions, often intertwined with sacred cults. In cities like Aphrodisias, agones were more than athletic contests; they were grand spectacles that fostered community cohesion and reinforced the bond between citizens and the divine. This coin imagery highlights the prestigious role of the games as a stage for cultural identity and political influence.
50 CHF
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50 CHF
55 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Mar-25, 13:31:00 CET
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